7 Signs Covid Might Be A Mind Control Cult

Like something out of a dystopian Disney movie, mass hypnosis got cast over an entire kingdom, and eyes started swirling like psychedelic clocks as educated minds tried making sense out of nonsense.

Exhaustion inevitably won as an army of mantras defeated consciousness like the narcissist who magnetizes the empath, and members all started speaking in catchphrases like religious scripture.

Here’s 7 eerie signs that Covid 19 might actually be— the most dangerous mind-control cult the world has ever seen.

1 | The Religious-Like Ideology

In C19, the cult leader is an entity. A collective idea. A theory packaged as scientific data that no rational or moderately intelligent person should refute. Political gurus preach lists of commandments like gospel for members to follow because, in C19, leaders have ALL the answers - even when they don't.

Facts defy gravity. And along with melodic mantras on repeat like stay home and stay safe, the latter inherently implying you're not, there is an intense emphasis on dissuading members from thinking for themselves. 

2 | The Social Shunning

Like Scientology, C19 forces members to distance themselves socially and encourages them to detach from people who oppose the cult's ideology with an inherent promise of condemnation if they don't.

Not so unlike the biblically-based fiery pits of hell, failure to comply in C19 results in social exclusion, a kind of employee euthanasia, and signs in restaurant windows that in more or less words say, 'your kind not allowed.' Divide and Conquer—us vs. them. Any way you slice the Covid pie if you're against the doctrine - you're an enemy who's considered fair game.

3 | The Required Uniform

uniform: dress of a distinctive design or fashion worn by members of a particular group serving as a means of identification.

You might not consider sporting a synthetic face covering as a uniform, but after taking a closer look, you'll see that's what it is. Whether political, religious, or spiritual, many organized groups, including cults, wear uniforms because uniforms create a strong visual identity and have the inherent benefit of making members look alike. 

For example, Buddhists wear robes and shave their head, while Bhajan followers layer mala beads around their necks. Catholic priests wear floor-length cassocks, while Osho followers were known to wear orange. The Manson girls frolicked in floral dresses, Heaven's Gates victims committed suicide in matching Nikes, and C19 members wear synthetic blue facemasks. 

4 | The Solitary Confinement

A common practice in prison and time-tested method for mentally breaking or punishing a victim, Medical News Today states, 'Solitary confinement may lead to significant adverse mental health effects.' 

According to Dr. Sharon Shalev, author of A Sourcebook on Solitary Confinement, effects can include psychological distress, hopelessness, problems with memory, psychosis, self-harm, and suicide. The same article goes on to tell us another name for solitary confinement. Lockdown.

5 | The Eerie Psychological Undertone & Obsession With Sickness

One of the most disturbing sticking points of C19 is its obsession with sickness. Hypochondria washes over members' minds reinforcing a belief that they are unclean and required to sanitize constantly. Again, similar to Scientology, C19 members must be tested continuously to be considered clear.

This psychological push to make members believe they're sick when they're not, eerily reminds me of Munchausen by proxy and Stockholm Syndrome. The former is a mental illness where a caretaker either makes up fake symptoms or causes real ones to make it look like a child is sick. And the latter, when a victim knows there is a level of abuse occurring but still believes the abuser cares for them. 

6 | The Promise Of Freedom

If there's one conclusively sinister thing in comparing Jone's Town, Heaven's Gate, and C19, it's the persuasion to consume a substance for perceived salvation or freedom.

Jone's Town drank a cocktail of cyanide and Flavour-aid, while Heaven's Gate took a dose of phenobarbital and vodka. And well, the jury's still out for a definitive list of ingredients in C19 injections.

7 | The Multi-Level Initiation 

One-shot, two-shot, red-shot, booster-shot. And you don't have to be a Dr. Suess fan to see that the levels of initiation in C19 continue to appear as if out of thin air. 

Like the Multi-Level Marketing blueprint, C19 requires you to buy into something. But it's never just the product. It's a new way of life and the promise of freedom. But you have to keep buying in. You have to keep consuming the product to maintain your membership. 

Because if you don't, the structure, like the promise, collapse. 


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