I Left The City To Find My Peace

I'm a big fan of being unapologetic about what we require to live at our highest ability as writers, as creators, as artists of life. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't always this confident about it. I grew up shy and scared to really speak my truth because of how it might make others around me feel. If I fully followed my dreams, how would that make my friends and family feel?

For a long time it felt unsafe to be myself and to communicate clearly about what I require. Not just what I'm doing with my life, but more importantly who I'm being. So, less doing and way more being has been my new philosophy. ⁠But it’s scary, to go against the grain and say, 'You know what, this way of living actually isn't working for me anymore.'⁠

And so that's the work I'm committed to now, day to day, mastering the art of living, and adjusting accordingly in order to remain in alignment with Gods call on my life. Sometimes these are small changes. And sometimes they’re really big ones that make no logical sense. But it’s a knowing and a trusting to follow Him.⠀

⁠If where you're living right now is causing you anxiety in anyway, whether that’s your home environment or your city, that's your inner knowing telling you it's time to adjust. The Lord is always directing the course of your life. Listen closely to receive the answers you seek, and you will be gracefully led to your next right steps.


Faith Ain’t No Side Hustle


Goodbye, July